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电话: 0755-28801828
传真: 0755-28801999
姓名: Jerry Sun

  Zhongxing Xindi Telecom Equipment Ltd., XD, as a national Hi-tech enterprise founded in 2003, specializes in research, manufacturing and sale of telecommunication products, covering 3 main scopes: fiber optic communication, intelligent cooling and energy saving and precision processing.

主要产品/业务: *域名隐藏* optic communication products. *域名隐藏* igent cooling and energy saving products. *域名隐藏* ion processing products.

深圳市中兴新地通讯器材有限公司 / 广东 / 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道岗头新地路1号 (518129) / 电话:0755-28801828


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